La santé le rattrapant et après avoir été réformé, Auguste meurt sept ans plus tard d'une angine de poitrine laissant son épouse sans enfant. In 1919, she married her cousin, Auguste Antigny; he died on July 21, 1927, with the official cause of death listed as tuberculosis. Les experts repassent à tour de rôle devant les jurés. Pour elle il y a eu empoisonnement et la criminelle est Marie, l'épouse. The marriage lasted until his death from pleurisy on July 21, 1927 (Antigny was known to suffer from tuberculosis). Such was Marie Besnard, the most famous of Gallic warlocks. L'année suivante, le père de Marie meurt d'une congestion cérébrale. MADHATTERDESIGN@GMAIL.COM, On a hot July morning in 1949, a police commissaire in the town of Loudun, north of Poitiers, knocked on the door of Marie Besn, FORBIDDEN PHOTOS OF A LADY ABOVE SUSPICION, MIKADROID: ROBOKILL BENEATH DISCO CLUB LAYLA, MOH - INCIDENT ON AND OFF A MOUNTAIN ROAD, ARTICLE "THE ICEMAN" RICHARD LEONARD KUKLINSKI, Like old school VHS Covers? All of our Serial Killer Magazines and books are massive, perfect bound editions. Le couple Besnard voit Alfred Dietz arriver. Léon Besnard et sa soeur Lucie, héritent de chacun d'entre eux la somme  262 325 francs de l'époque ( à peu près 100 000 euros). La « bonne dame de Loudun » emporte son, ou ses secrets, dans sa tombe après avoir, selon une dernière rumeur, pardonné publiquement à Louise Pintou. Monsieur Toussaint Rivet died of pneumonia on July 14, 1939,. Léon's father died a few weeks later after eating poisonous mushrooms, and his mother died of pneumonia three months later; their estate was split between Léon and his sister, Lucie. Tour à tour, leurs travaux sont confirmés ou infirmés. L'inspecteur Normand est de nouveau mis sur le coup. Following the death of Léon Besnard, Louise Pintou sent a letter to the public prosecutor in which she stated that Léon had expressed his concern to her that he was being poisoned by Marie. Mariage :  Auguste Antigny, Léon Besnard  Marie Besnard va publier ses mémoires à la suite de ce procès, en 1962 qu'elle va présenter à la télé dans l'émission "Lecture pour tous". Louise Pintou vient chez les Besnard deux fois par jour pour veiller sur Léon et aider Marie, fiévreuse, à le soigner. She worked a good part of her 22-year career with a male accomplice, that trait of "partnering" being rare among the Black Widow breed. Auteur : Laurent Seigneuret These are more like giant, professionally produced graphic novels. Anyway, we have the rough picture. And stupid. Maitre Gautrat l'interroge alors : "si j’enterrais un chien dans le cimetière de Loudun, pourriez vous dire, en engageant votre honneur de savant, si ce chien, trois ans plus tard, ne contiendra pas une quantité d’arsenic qu’il ne possédait pas avant la mort ?» Fabre répondit qu’il n’en savait rien. Marie Besnard was arrested and charged with 11 counts of murder on July 21, 1949. This massive perfect bound Ted Bundy collection includes art, articles, rare interviews, documents, letters, transcripts and the serial killer’s entire FBI file. Evidence in the Graveyard. This discovery led to the exhumation of other bodies, and by the time the investigation was over arsenic had also been found in the bodies of Léon's parents and sister, the Rivets, and Marie's first husband, cousins, mother and father. "I think," said a bookseller of Loudun last week, "it is because of our fine white wines. Les experts repassent à tour de rôle devant les jurés. One of the few citizens of Loudun who seemed beyond suspicion of any intrigue was slim, soft-spoken Marie Besnard, a matron of 53, who owned six houses in the town, the local White Horse inn, and a number of thriving stud farms. The Besnards then took in a wealthy couple, the Rivets, as boarders. C’est le mensonge Béroud, l’erreur c’est celle que nous avons mis en évidence après sept ans de travail." L'expert Favre rétorque alors "nous ne pouvons donner que des indications générales. Blogue personnel The deadly Besnards convinced an aged, sickly and very rich couple named Rivet to lodge with them that they might tend to their faltering health. After three trials lasting over 10 years (the first held in Poitiers), Besnard was finally freed in 1954, then acquitted on December 12, 1961. Marie and Leon Besnard evidently had acting talent; their plan worked well. Marie Besnard a bel et bien empoisonnée son époux avec ce poison. She killed her mother, then, when she heard the neighborhood was gossiping, physically went about door-to-door threatening the chatterboxes with their lives. La défense menée par l'avocat Gaultrat met en déroute l'expertise du docteur Béroud en lui tendant un piège. L'affaire Marie Besnard, coupable ou victime ? Quels sont ceux qui contiennent de l’arsenic et ceux qui contiennent de l’antimoine ? This 90 card set features the artwork of 15 noted true crime artists and will come with a numbered, signed certificate of authenticity for each set. Marie Besnard was first charged with multiple murder on July 21, 1949. "J’aurais préféré entendre dire par le président du procès : Marie Besnard est innocente, plutôt qu’acquittée. Le voleur va y dérober seulement du linge. It is also packed with unusual trivia, exclusive interviews with the both killers and experts in the field and more information that any other resource available to date. Elle retourne dans la ville de Loudun. - Mag Communes Le verdict tombe dans la soirée : "Davaillaud Marie, veuve Besnard, a-t’-elle volontairement attenté à la vie de X par l’effet d’une substance qui pourrait donner la mort plus ou moins promptement  ?" One can drink liters, like water, but suddenly it hits like a coup de fusil and even the old feel young. Leon had taken a mistress, Louise Pintou, who was the Loudun Postmistress, and had invited her to move into the Besnard home. One by one, the superexperts were called to the witness stand and discredited by Defense Attorneys Albert Gautrat and René Hayot. Le médecin a diagnostiqué une crise d’urémie, mais la rumeur n’a cessé Louise Pintou s'empare de cette opération pour entretenir une rumeur qui veut voir Marie au bord du trou. Léon Besnard, second mari de Marie Besnard, mort à 55 ans le 25 octobre 1947 d’une crise d’urémie foudroyante - 7 maisons, 1 hôtel, 1café, 1 ferme de 56 ha. He was a scamp and every bit as formative a no-goodnik as his wife; it was truly a marriage made in hell. Un couple d’amis disparut, les Rivet, lui, en 1939, et elle, en 1941, alors qu’elle venait Le 9 mai, l'inspecteur Normand et son supérieur, le commissaire Nocquet obtiennent une nouvelle commission rogatoire et vont faire exhumer le corps de Léon Besnard pour autopsie. Meanwhile, Marie's father had succumbed to a cerebral hemorrhage. Auguste MASSIP porte plainte contre Marie BESNARD pour usage de sorcellerie. Elle ne peut plus avaler et après avoir fait venir son notaire pour écrire son testament, elle passe de vie à trépas, le 27 décembre. One acquaintance remembered that Marie had once recommended arsenic as an alternative to divorce. Le couple trouve une place de concierges au château des Martins, chez M. Courbe. While Marie was incarcerated, 3 informers reported to the police that Marie had attempted to hire them to "rub out" some of the neighborhood gossips. Charles Trenet la soutient ainsi que la journaliste de Marie Claire, l'un des magazines les plus lus de France. Les experts vont se pencher sur six des douze cadavres qui selon eux valent la peine d'être examinés. Abonnez-vous pour être averti des nouveaux articles publiés. Marie was arrested, the bodies of her other alleged victims were exhumed, and Marie was charged with 13 counts of murder. Type de tueur : d'opportunité (argent)   Suspicions were further aroused when another cousin, Virginie Lalleron, died in the same manner on July 9, 1945. Elle mourra en 1980 et fera don de son corps à la science, ayant toujours refusé d'être enterrée dans le cimetière de Loudun. If you are interested in joining our team, contact us at Born in Loudun, France, Marie married her cousin, Auguste Antigny, in 1920. The good Marquise always assured herself of success by trying her poisons first on the local poor who came to seek her. Leon and Marie lived modestly, but hoped for better things. Each of the deceased also had left an inheritance to Marie Besnard. Marie tombe en dépression et part se refaire une santé chez sa cousine Pascaline qui réside à Loudun, l'année suivante. This massive 8.5 x 11 perfect bound book contains over 150 pages of rare interviews, letters, documents, transcripts, art and articles about serial killer, John Wayne Gacy. The state took 31 months to build its case. ", Stranger in the House. C'est une angine de poitrine, dit-il. Soon thereafter, Leon's father died, apparently from eating poisoned mushrooms. Si le procès est plus calme, c'est toujours la pagaille au niveau des expertises. The experts could not agree, and one became so flustered that he had a tantrum on the witness stand, sat down, crossed his legs, folded his arms, and refused to speak. In the Palais de Justice in Poitiers, a grim little juge d'instruction asked Marie Besnard how the poison got into her husband. Marie et Léon rédigent l'année de leur mariage un testament déclarant que le dernier époux survivant sera héritier de tous les biens du ménage. Death threats were sent through the mails to some of the local gossips. The first to go were his two spinster aunts, each in the money, each regarding their nephew and his lovely new wife as a wholesome young couple. The na? One aunt went to her grave in 1938, the other two years later, after sipping a bottle of gift wine. Two elderly cousins were the next to go, Pauline and Virginie Lalleron. She was accused of having poisoned 13 people in Loudun, France, and was tried 3 times, but was ultimately acquitted on all counts. Another pair of accusers was forced to flee Loudon after arsonists burned their home.    "Faux ! La Bordelaise Jacqueline Favreau-Colombier avait beaucoup œuvré pour l’innocence de Marie Besnard. One of its most fabulous accused was the glamorous and charitably-minded Marquise de Brinvilliers (a "much courted little woman," according to one source, "with a fascinating air of childlike innocence"), who, assisted by a lover, poisoned her father and her two brothers for the sake of the family fortune. Authorities initially dismissed Pintou's letter, but repeated demands by her and others that Léon's death be investigated finally forced them to give in. Marie Besnard was first charged with multiple murder on July 21, 1949. Pour être informé des derniers articles, inscrivez vous : Tueuse en série : Lucy Letby arrêtée pour la troisième fois pour la mort d'un bébé. On ne peut plus affirmer que si l’on trouve de l’arsenic dans les cheveux d’un cadavre cet arsenic y a été introduit de son vivant.". After hearing both sides present very different interpretations of the scientific evidence the judges again declared that they needed more time to come to a decision. These are not the kind of tiny paperback novels that you are accustomed to. Elle fait sa scolarité chez les sœurs, puis intègre l'école laïque du village. Léon Besnard's body was exhumed on May 11, 1949, and an autopsy found that he had ingested a large amount of arsenic over a period of time. Le procès est renvoyé. Some people suspect that Loudun, a town of 5,313 in western France, is still a little proud of its reputation for casual wickedness. The legend of Marie Besnard began in the gossip mills of Loudun. Leon died at home, apparently of uremia, but not before he had told friends that he believed he was being poisoned, and asked them to demand an autopsy if he died. La maison familiale revient elle à Léon, mais sa sœur n'est pas d'accord. Madame Pintou, who had openly accused Marie, had her home broken into, where the burglar proceded to selectively destroy every gift Madame Pintou had ever received from Leon. This includes ebooks of every book and magazine on the site. They were forced to eliminate 5 of the charges - there was simply not enough of the physical evidence left to test for arsenic. Auguste qui s'en sort indemne porte plainte. Last May, while widowed Marie leaned and sobbed on the arm of a nun at the graveside, and all of Loudun watched, Léon Besnard's body was disinterred, turned over to a laboratory in Marseille. Pour lui, il n'y a pas de doute, tous contiennent de l'arsenic et les échantillons de Léon Besnard sont de 19mg d'arsenic soit 4mg que la dose limite. Lieu de naissance :  Saint-Pierre de Maillé In 1929, she married Léon Besnard, who owned a rope shop in Loudon. Si le procès est plus calme, c'est toujours la pagaille au niveau des expertises. Auguste n'y croit pas et pousse Louise Pintou à dire ce qu'elle sait. Totem :   Non. The gossips had it otherwise. Non. Auguste Massip, lui, ne veut pas qu'elle s'en tire une nouvelle fois et écrit une nouvelle lettre, cette fois-ci directement au juge. Each giant issue is perfect bound and chock full of true crime articles, artwork, letters, documents and more. Between the years 1940 and 1947, members of both inter-related families may have thought that a curse had visited them. The length of the trials, the successful attacks on the evidence, and the turning of public opinion in favor of Marie Besnard contributed to her eventual acquittal at her third trial in 1961. The court reconvened in October, took a little more testimony, and then adjourned again. One of these cases is covered by the statute of limitations, so let us call it eleven. A ces mots, Louise Pintou s'affole, elle ne veut pas aller trouver les brigadiers et se retrouver confrontée à Marie. \"Le 5 octobre 1947, faubourg Porte-de-Mirebeau à Loudun, un long cri retentit dans la nuit. ", lui réplique l'avocat "Il n'y a rien, rien !". It is also packed with unusual trivia, exclusive interviews and much more. Après la délibération, la Cour décide que les conclusions de la partie civile sont mal fondées et les rejettent, ordonnant une nouvelle expertise auprès de l'académie des sciences. Il est souvent fatigué et n'arrive plus à manger. To go about this, they used stealth. The lady had fallen in love with another man and figured it was time for Leon's exit. Auguste n'y croit pas et pousse, Le 9 mai, l'inspecteur Normand et son supérieur, le commissaire Nocquet obtiennent une nouvelle commission rogatoire et vont faire exhumer le corps de. Qu'à cela ne tienne, l'affaire va prendre un tournant nouveau avec l'instruction qu'ouvre le juge. But, in the end, as unbelievable as it seems, Marie beat the rap. Tour à tour, leurs travaux sont confirmés ou infirmés. la mort de Léon Besnard, l'époux même de Marie, décédé à la The experts could not agree, and one of them became so upset he left the witness stand, sat down and folded his arms, and refused to testify. L'autre avocate de Marie, Jacqueline Favreau-Colombier qui écrira un livre sur l'affaire offre une plaidoirie pleine d'émotion "dites-vous que si aujourd’hui c’est Marie Besnard qui est dans ce box – demain ce pourrait être vous ». Marie's mother, Marie-Louise Davaillaud (née Antigny) died on January 16. 3)  Cet arsenic résiste à tous les lavages même à ceux de l’acide chlorhydrique concentré. Marie's aged mother had also died the same year. They were cons, the pair of them, swindlers, cheats and eventual serial killers. Marie had acquired property the easy way through the deaths of a succession of relatives and her purse strings were always loosened when M. le Curé came to call with a worthy charity in mind. vieille filouse, vous allez l’avouer maintenant, vous avez fait bouffer de l’arsenic à votre mari – faut-il qu’on vous tape sur la gueule pour vous faire avouer ? Marie Besnard, transposée à la télé sous les traits d'Alice Sapritch puis de Muriel Robin est soupçonnée d'avoir tué par empoisonnement une douzaine de personnes, dont parmi eux, son mari. Le château où résident Auguste et ses frères est la proie des flammes le 17 octobre 1948. Le 2ème procès va durer un peu plus d'un an. Le troisième procès a enfin lieu, le 22 novembre 1961, sous l'instruction de Nussy Saint-Saëns (neveu du compositeur Camille Saint-Saëns). The 1986 television film L'Affaire Marie Besnard (The Marie Besnard Affair) won the Sept d'or French television awards for Alice Sapritch, best actress in the role of Marie Besnard; Yves-André Hubert, director, for best movie made for TV; and Frédéric Pottecher, best writer. Auteur : Olga Vincent L'instruction dure deux ans et sept mois où 90 témoins défilent, mais n'apportent rien en terme de preuves sinon des ragots. Nombre de pages : 48, Occasion : 0.91€ At Marie's second trial, which opened in Bordeaux in 1954, three informers who had been placed by police in Marie's cell claimed that she had planned to hire some Marseille gangsters to rub out her gossipy neighbors—but again the uncertainties of toxicology came to her aid. Il a seulement 53 ans. Il est souvent fatigué et n'arrive plus à manger. Marie va avoir un peu de répit. A native of Loudon, France, Marie Davaillaud married Auguste Antigny in 1920. La salle d'audience fond en larmes. Monsieur Rivet died of pneumonia, and Madame Rivet soon followed, stricken with nausea and convulsions, which her doctor attributed to "the chest sickness". elders, completely duped, moved in with Marie and Leon, only to pass away just after their arrival. The charge: that she had poisoned with arsenic her mother, father, two husbands, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother-in-law, two cousins, great-aunt, and two close friends. Au mois d'octobre, Léon tombe dans le coma et décède le 25 octobre au soir. Last week Judge Roger made an official announcement. Le procès s'ouvre le 20 février 1952 où le poison est au centre des débats. Of the 13, 12 bodies were found with significant traces of arsenic. Maître Gautrat : vous avez écrit qu’il est inutile d’identifier les tubes contenant de l’arsenic, car celle-ci est parfaitement reconnaissable à l’œil nu ;