some advice to this moon it would be: there is more than what meets Neptune Through The Houses. 4)When Neptune is affected,people can feel a lot of guilt,even where they were not at fault. 7)Something about their appearance stands out very much and is great.Very often they have a round face or plump lips. do well with criticism, they do not take jokes lightly. 2)For bad aspects,I sincerely recommend not taking out loans or spending property or huge amounts of money.There is a high probability of not paying back the debt and spending money on the wind.Read the contracts carefully. 2)He doesnt give the impression of an active and active person.Others often underestimate him. 5)He loves romance.He likes courtship.On the first date to the extent they are flirting and internally evaluate a potential partner. You may have been separated from it, either literally or figuratively. 1)Gives good advice,has a broad outlook and is quite lucky. When you focus on your dream goals, Neptune will give you vague glimpses into the future, but often what you see will seem impossible or so out there that you will get discouraged and stop bothering to pursue it. This individual will be fascinated with anything spiritual and metaphysical, even if they themselves do not follow a particular spiritual philosophy or religion. 2)I would not call them extroverts,but it is very interesting to communicate with them.With good aspects,they are always ready to hear and accept someone elses opinion.They will not be too stubborn,because they try to treat everyone with respect. 1)Watch your feet very carefully.Wear comfortable shoes,play football carefully and dont overdo it with the stretch. The first house is a physical house as well, related to your body and physical appearance. 3)They like foreign things,and what exactly the house will show.For example,the Moon in Sagittarius in the 2nd house doesnt mind trying different national dishes of the world.The Moon in Sagittarius in the 6th house likes to learn foreign languages,books or music.The Moon in Sagittarius has its own aesthetic that only they can understand. This is a highly spiritual connection that can be difficult to express in words. When Neptune is thrown upon your 1st House she is a veil that opens your heart and blinds your eyes, allowing you to intuitively experience unexplained phenomenon and . 5)Such people really change their appearance for the better every year. 2)He is a good parent(but you need to look at the aspects),he teaches children discipline and accuracy and gives advice for the future. 5)The good aspects are indicative of the artistry,charisma and luck.But I would still recommend that they take no chances. People tend to find it hard to put their finger on them and gauge where they stand or what they're thinking. 3)Hes friends with all sorts of people.Nationality,level of education and status in society are not important here.The main thing is to have common hobbies,aspirations and desires. A woman of this kind is the epitome of good taste, is never vulgar, never boring. 5)Such a person may not be aware of some of their talents.Try as many hobbies as possible please. 5)With bad aspects,a person may have mental illness. 1)Sometimes indicates problems with speech. 2)This is a position I often see in feminists.They have a lot of thoughts about marriage and womens rights.They value equal marriage and relationships. The area around the ascendant is one of the Gauquelin sectors. 4)Such people need to learn to read their feelings and be able to make final decisions. 1)You have good friends who will help you with advice or financial assistance.You are sociable and have several groups of friends(but look at the house). It mixes psychological orientation that is introverted with a great sensitivity to others. 1)Person is impatient.The last thing he likes to do is wait a long time for a response to his messages.Such a person can show pressure in business situations,and often achieves what he wants through courage and a natural gift of persuasion. 4)Such a person may have a problematic relationship with his mother. 1)Charisma even with the wrong facial features,which blooms especially brightly in the photo.This is the position of the planet had Marilyn Monroe. Your days will be filled with pleasantly daydreaming away from the heart of reality. 4)Negative aspects indicate problems with flirting.It is difficult for a person to get acquainted and take the first step in a relationship. Neptune rules hidden gifts, secret desires, and a need for spirituality. The first house narrates the story of our first steps in this world. -I forgot to say that maybe their mother was a cook(or did a lot of cooking at home)or she sang well.They were often visited by relatives. 5)Air signs are most lucky in intellectual,research,and scientific activities.Fire signs are better to realize themselves in a profession that is associated with public activities or public performances.The main thing for Water and Earth signs is to show a creative streak,develop entrepreneurial inclinations,and the field of activity is not particularly important,they can achieve success in anything. -Even such children could strive to earn money themselves from early childhood. 4)The more Jupiter is facetted,the greater the intellectual potential of a person and the wider the opportunities for his development. 5)He is very strict with himself,may suffer from depression or low self-esteem. Gi hng. 5)Negative aspects indicate a bad or incomplete education and the threat of travel. 1)He knows how to cool his ardor at the right time.They often want to be in charge of the family.They like to do the renovation and decoration of their home. 2)Negative aspects indicate high self-esteem and lack of seriousness. gemini x cancer = 6/10 virgo x scorpio = 9/10 the burning castle. Planets conjunct the ascendant are extremely important: they have a strong. 4)Good teamwork skills.Depending on Mars,this person can be a commander or a manager. Neptune in the first house may be described as a man that is gentle, unprepossessing, unconventional and capable of great self-sacrifice. 2)A person is very careful about his health.He is attracted to natural beauty(but he doesnt refuse cosmetics),so he has a lot of care cosmetics. Main Menu 1st house; first impression, physical appearance and body, self, approach to thoughts and acts 2nd house; self-esteem, financies, approach to money, values 3rd house; all forms of communication (writing, talking etc.) 1)Love of philosophy,religion,art,often long trips.High ideals and ideas about love. -People in this position like to cook delicious food or go to restaurants. This house is greatly about the way we would like to present ourselves to other people, about our strength of the character, self-confidence and self-integrity. 1)A person has problems with one of the parents who may have liked alcohol or illegal substances.Or he died early.Often,such people may still have a parent who is ill with something,who needed a lot of care. 5)8th house is responsible for the inheritance,so you will most likely receive it from your distant relatives,or from the person from whom you didnt expect. 1)As a child,such a person could do many things hastily.With age,such a person becomes more and more calm and risks little(especially money). Neptune in the 1st house of the birth chart is a placement that signifies a persona that is colored by an air of vagueness and sensitivity. 1)He always feels that he is being underestimated.Whatever such a person does,his merits dont become public.He has low self-esteem. 4)He will try to create the most comfortable living conditions for his family.It is important for him to feel stability and be confident in the future. . Your right re: if planets in the 1st conjunct the rising sign, indeed one's physicality is more affected. With Neptune in your First House, you have a vibrant imagination and possess visionary talent. 5)With good aspects,a person has a rich spiritual world and a love of art(maybe even a hidden talent in something). . 10)With good aspects,their mother supported them in their endeavors.She could devote a lot of time to the creativity of children or often played with them. -As a rule,such people may feel sad and often cry,but it does not last long.If you see such a person in tears,just give them time to cool down and dont touch them.It is better not to save your feelings. The native is usually delicate with weaknesses of fears and anxiety. 4)Often such people work according to their own regime.They can be freelancers or have a night job. Were you born with Neptune in the 1st House? 4)Quite hospitable and generous people.With negative aspects,they can be sacrificial and not be able to say no. 3)There are a lot of talents not only in creativity,but also in other areas of life. -Ask the owner of the moon in Taurus how he perceives his mother,and in the vast majority of cases it turns out that she is a very caring and economic person who strives to provide her children with everything they need. With Saturn in the 1st house, if they pull back the mask they will find life. But even then she may have difficulties undertaking decisions since she will tend to see obstacles in every possibility. 3)In bad aspects,a person is dependent on someone elses opinion. There is likely to be some confusion or deception surrounding the actual circumstances of birth. 15)In addition,the good aspects indicate a straightforward and honest person.If the Moon in Scorpio feels lies at the level of intuition,then the Moon in Sagittarius is just picky about words,so dont lie to them,it is useless. 2)They rarely change their place of work,they are more comfortable when everything around them is familiar. 11)You have a fiery temperament and if necessary,you will quickly put anyone in their place. -These girls wont be bossed around.Can actively support feminism. 1)Strong feelings,attracting money,inheritance,profitable marriage. 2)With good aspects and a sign of the planet,their spouse has a high social status,a good financial situation and has real estate. He jumps into things without planning because he is not a down to earth person. 4)It is difficult for the owner of a weak Saturn to gather,concentrate and quickly complete the mountain of work assigned to him. 3)They should not rely on others.Not everyone works honestly and correctly.Also PLEASE respect yourself and dont help everyone. 5)Good aspects indicate a friendly and calm person.He is prone to optimism and he controls his feelings(or rather knows how to deal with them). 4)Bad aspects indicate low self-esteem.He hates his appearance.It also indicates laziness and inability to defend your opinion. 5)Please do not invent diseases for yourself,it is better to go to the doctor,most of your problems are due to lack of sleep. Neptune's position in the horoscope makes the person insecure and unaware of their true worth. -The love of change and an unusual,extreme situations.The need for active movement,sports. Neptune conjunct the ascendant can make you look like a Pisces rising. Hi! It's nice to see others with this placement share the same experience. 2)Their main goal is not money and career growth.It is more important for them to get satisfaction from achievements and results in order to feel happy. 2)Rest really helps with most of their illnesses.Stress causes them to instantly lose their immunity. On the other hand, they are always afraid of failing. 5)The advice is to deal with your thoughts and ideas.You cant combine incompatible things.Spend more time meditating and being alone to make important decisions. 3)The harmonious aspects of Jupiter will tell you about the easy and fast assimilation of educational material.The information you need to study will always be available to you.Others will provide such a person with good books. 5)Very good position for businessmen.A person with such a position has good managerial abilities,purposefulness and great vital energy. Usually, it gifts a beautiful appearance in general. Question: The information I have gathered thus far on Uranus in the 1st house includes the following: "You exude an electrically charged aura that, depending on the person, can be invigorating or alarming since you represent the attributes of Uranus. 2)Helikes to celebrate events beautifully and effectively. 15)When strong,the position of Mars indicates a person who will succeed in a career.They love statuses and like to work hard for them. If you have Neptune in this house, you are probably very imaginative, sensitive, and creative. 3)Even the owner of Neptune in the 11th house often has low self-esteem,is shy to show their talents,hides in the shadow of others.Having a fine mental organization,it is vital for him to learn to punch his way with his elbows,so as not to be trampled by the crowd. -They should protect their heads from bumps and accidents,show up at the dentist on time and dont forget to control intracranial pressure. Appearance: Neptune close to the ascendant in the first house in astrology gives the native hypnotic and dreamy eyes. -Emotional behavior,openness of feelings.Ready to fight back at any time. Men with Neptune in the First House are afraid of failing. When it comes to morals, you may have a tendency to question what is right or wrong. His mind is filled with strange concepts, and he has the ability to translate these into his work. 2)Knowledge should bring him practical benefits,so such a person tries to determine in advance how promising this area of training is.Practice is important to him. -Their health may depend heavily on their lifestyle.Stretching and yoga will be especially useful for calming and warming up the muscles. 2)Their parents may have been of different nationalities.Their house often had guests. But in your case, your Uranus and Neptune are further away, closer to your second. 11)Venus in Leo loves the golden color in the apartment decor. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 1 BattyNess 4 yr. ago 4)They relax through privacy.During this time,you can draw,meditate,or watch a movie. 1)A person sees his self-development in work.It can reveal his best qualities and inspire.They may have good working conditions, such as frequent bonuses or a lucrative contract.Sometimes indicates that their work is related to travel. 2)The bad aspects indicate that their partners may be trying to seduce or interfere with their marriage.Constant jealousy and envy. It is the natural ruler of the 12th house and Pisces. 4)With bad aspects,mental disorders and deep mental suffering are possible.Good aspects increase strength and energy,activity and enterprise and create an opportunity to acquire real estate and implement ideas,plans and goals. -Unlike Moon Cancer it is much easier for them to control their feelings. What Do You Think is the Strangest Placement in the Astrological Chart? by ; June 22, 2022 4)With bad aspects,a person has a lot of intrigues and betrayals in life. -You can have live plants in the room.Especially cacti. 2)Their health can directly depend on the cleanliness of the house and their food. 4)Positive aspects indicate the qualities of an excellent organizer.It inspires and appeals to other people.Negative aspects create problems with people.He is often betrayed or deceived. 9)As children,they may have been too active.I cant say if they had many friends,but they werent bored even when they were alone.They could always come up with a game. It is not unusual for you to be capable of intense devotion or devoted for outbursts of temper. 2)Hard work,perseverance and great creative abilities are the key to success and glory of a person. when planets occupy our natal first house, we can see their influence in many different ways: There is a tendency for uncertainty in spiritual affairs. You are a questioner who refuses to accept something just because an authority figure said so, but at the same time, you can be afraid of . 5)His entourage may include influential people,or those with whom he has been friends for several years.They are very selective(including themselves). 2)Your siblings may indeed have the opposite sign to yours,or you may have a single ruling planet. Getting lost in your own imagination can sometimes make you moody, frustrated, unstable or impractical. You're in touch with many energies that other people tend to miss. They are usually very emotional and sensitive in temperament. 1)A great owner,think carefully and weigh your options before you get an animal at home. Dismiss It indicates a true soulmate love, not just mere physical attraction. Big, soulful eyes with long lashes, a wide smile, and a soft round face. It is OK to sit with They care about history and humanity, they restrictions. 3)Bad aspects indicate that it is difficult for a person to get acquainted.It is unusual and doesnt match any of the companies of people.Often indicates unrequited love. 4)They have excellent artistic abilities and good taste. 1)He feels inconveniences associated with housing.This may be too small space,poor living conditions,lack of a separate room,the need to tolerate the presence of unpleasant people and obey their rules. Venus in the First House is best described by the word "lovely". With this placement, there is this feeling of the magician going back to the tarot cards. 2)Like the sixth house you need to value yourself and your time and not help everyone. 4)These people tend to learn yoga,meditation,and other practices.They like to learn new things about foreign cultures.They like to watch travel blogs. They usually stand out. The energies of Neptune in the 1st House are very nearly a contradiction in terms. 2)Such a person most often faces shocking situations in his life.Unlike ordinary people,he knows what to do and how to behave in difficult situations. They stand out - they look different and can captivate others very easily. 2)A mixture of creative freedom and discipline.Such people understand that inspiration comes when they want to.They perform their work conscientiously,can work in their specialty,and have good relations with their boss and colleagues. 4)Your weak point is your hips.Please always look at your feet!5)Also,such people often overexert themselves,they strive to do everything in a short time.But they have good and influential bosses.They can work in one of the well-known companies.They respect statuses at work(but not in life), 5)Also,such people often overexert themselves,they strive to do everything in a short time.But they have good and influential bosses.They can work in one of the well-known companies.They respect statuses at work(but not in life), 1)Oh,I hope your Venus is okay,because this Jupiter position is one of the best for marriage.Its like saying,Youll be happy with him,baby,be brave.